The summer months last a little longer here in Florida and that means the sun and beach are here to stay! Taking a moment to look in the mirror while you try on your latest swimsuit may not have you looking forward to the extended season. That doesn’t mean you haven’t been working hard to get your body in bathing suit shape, but some parts of the body take time to see results! We offer our clients at our practice these beach-body essentials:
You think that you’ve dieted and exercised until you’re blue in the face, but nothing is working to help get rid of those last diet resistant pounds. There are options, and at our practice we offer our clients liposuction to trim the final layers of unwanted fat. If you’re looking to get rid of stubborn fat cells from areas such as the thighs, under the arms, in the abdominal area and under the chin, liposuction is the way to go. Not only are we removing these fat cells permanently from the body, but liposuction allows us to contour these areas to enhance your natural features.
Breast Augmentation
For our female clients, we offer breast augmentations to help reduce sagging and loose skin. After childbirth, breastfeeding and years of weight loss and gain, the breasts have a tendency to lose their youthful appearance and shape. Breast augmentation can reshape the breasts and the nipple areola complex, increase the size with implants and raise their position with a breast lift combination. At our practice, we’re interested in bringing about the most natural results so that your breasts look and feel great.
We notice and instant confidence boost in our clients, and they feel beautiful in their clothes since your new breasts will fill out your swimsuits and tops much better than they did before augmentation. The best part of this procedure is that you can return to work and normal activity after just 45 days of recovery time.
Tummy Tuck
We know you are ready to show off your body in that swimsuit you’ve been eyeing, but your tummy needs a quick fix. Our tummy tuck procedure will help flatten out the tummy and con-tours the fatty layers beneath so you can see immediate results. This tummy tuck procedure is for all of our male and female patients that want to restore their once flat and youthful tummy. The abdominal area is a concern for many, if not all of our patients. But when you’ve been working hard to get rid of those last few pounds are left with sagging skin, this may be your best option with a small amount of recovery time.
Beach body essentials are available at our practice, call today to schedule your consultation for one or more of these procedures with Dr. Jason Cooper at (561) 406-6574.