Tag Archives: blepharoplasty

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Benefits of Exparel for Pain Relief

Post-operative pain control and management is always a hot topic in outpatient cosmetic surgery. Generally, patients who undergo procedures of the face, such as a facelift and blepharoplasty, do not experience as much discomfort post-operatively as those who undergo more extensive procedures of the body, such as a tummy tuck. For these types of procedures,… Read More

Top 4 Procedures Men Should Consider

We often hear about how plastic surgery can benefit women, and little discussion is had about how some of these same procedures can improve a man’s aesthetic as well. Because men often have to appeal to stereotypes associated with strength and confidence, any insecurities that they may have about their bodies gets overlooked. According to… Read More

Enhance Your Youth with Eyelid Surgery

If the eyes are the window to the soul, what story do your eyes tell? Do they relay the you are tired because they are puffy? Maybe that you are sad, because your eyes are droopy? Or is it that you have difficulty seeing because loose skin is sagging over your eyes? Whatever it may be, eyelid surgery… Read More

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